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Several pupils from Hoër Volkskool Heidelberg are on their way to compete in a singing competition; but the majority of the school, including the principal, is not supportive. In this school, sport far outweighs culture. However, this does not stop the singers from the group to follow their passion. The principal wants to sabotage the group’s tour and sends one of the school’s teachers to distract the music teacher. They eventually arrive at a camp where they are treated as if they were in the army. This is all the principal’s doing.
Title : If You Sing
Year : 2013
Runtime : 111
Release Dates: 2013-11-12
Actors :
Bobby van Jaarsveld | as | Mr Stefan Conradie |
Leah Van Niekerk | as | Miss Elize Du Bruin |
Karlien van Jaarsveld | as | Juliette |
Bok van Blerk | as | Sersant-Majoor Fourie |
Robbie Wessels | as | Bertie Bredenkamp |
Hanna Grobler | as | Cecelia Bredenkamp |
Katlego Maboe | as | Duma |
Rafiq Jajbhay | as | Vipin Patel |
Corine du Toit | as | Miss Van Vogen |
Dewald Wasserfall | as | Himself |
Naas Botha | as | Himself |
Juanita Du Plessis | as | Herself |
Georic Lomas | as | Morné |
Franja Du Plessis | as | Marna |
Chanell Van Den Bergh | as | Liesl-Lee |
San-Mari Nel | as | Skaai |
Tiaan Kelderman | as | Abe Junior |
Hendri Myburgh | as | Been |
Solomon Cupido | as | Murg |
André Lótter | as | Military Ape 1 |
Danie Putter | as | Military Ape 2 |
Marco Spaumer | as | Military Ape 3 |
Arno Jordaan | as | Military Ape 4 |
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Watch If You Sing Stream Online Megavideo. I went to the cinema with quite low expectations due to the trailer. However after watching this film I was amazed by the outcome. There was so much thrilling tense action, at one point I was on the edge of my seat.
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