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H6 tells the story of Antonio Frau, a serial killer set free after serving 25 years in jail for the violent murder of his girlfriend. After inheriting and old motel from a relative he never knew, he sees this as a signal and takes to his holy task of relieving the grief of those who have lost the will to live. He takes his victims to room Number 6 in the motel where he 'purifies' them, while, at the same time, continues his everyday life next to his wife. A mistake leads to his arrest, and his plan to become rich and famous takes relevance.
Title : H6: Diario de un asesino
Year : 2005
Runtime : 92
Release Dates: 2005-01-01
Actors :
Fernando Acaso | as | Antonio Frau |
María José Bausá | as | Francisca Seguí |
Raquel Arenas | as | Rosa |
Xènia Reguant | as | Marisa |
Sonia Moreno | as | Tina |
Alejo Sauras | as | Cristóbal |
Martín Garrido | as | Miguel Oliver Escanellas |
Mark San Juan | as | Peralta |
Miquel Sitjar | as | Flores |
Ruperto Ares | as | Pablo |
Ramón Del Pomar | as | Curro |
Elena Seguí | as | Soledad Méndez |
Miquel Fernández | as | Antonio Frau 25 |
Ángel Alarcón | as | Francisca's Father |
Antonio Mayans | as | Dr. Planas |
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Watch H6: Diario de un asesino Stream Online Megavideo last night and it was superb. The set pieces are suitably awesome and the acting performances are uniformly excellent. The writer set out to deliver a fun story and that is exactly what it is. It draws you in from the first moments and does not let go. What more could you possibly want?
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