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On a gray morning, a circus caravan arrives in the town where Albert the ringmaster's family lives. He hasn't seen them for three years and has taken a mistress, the young and buxom Anne. Albert calls on his wife; Anne, jealous and wanting out, visits a theatrical troupe and lets an actor, Frans, seduce her in exchange for a necklace he says is valuable. Anne finds out it's worthless at about the same time Albert's wife declines to let him live with the family. Albert and Anne are stuck with the circus and each other; there's a show tonight, Frans will be there smirking and sardonic, the bear is mangy, the clown is as sour as they come, and suicide offers an exit.
Title : Sawdust and Tinsel
Year : 1953
Runtime : 93
Release Dates: 1953-11-10
Actors :
Åke Grönberg | as | Albert Johansson |
Harriet Andersson | as | Anne |
Hasse Ekman | as | Frans |
Anders Ek | as | Frost |
Gudrun Brost | as | Alma |
Annika Tretow | as | Agda |
Erik Strandmark | as | Jens |
Gunnar Björnstrand | as | Mr. Sjuberg |
Curt Löwgren | as | Blom |
Kiki | as | The Dwarf |
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Watch Sawdust and Tinsel Stream Online Megavideo last night and it was superb. The set pieces are suitably awesome and the acting performances are uniformly excellent. The writer set out to deliver a fun story and that is exactly what it is. It draws you in from the first moments and does not let go. What more could you possibly want?
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